GDOv7 Install Wizard (Rev.7.0.3-r1826)

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TypeError: Β΄GDO/DB/Database::__construct(): Argument #2 ($user) must be of type string, null given, called in GDO/DB/Database.php on line 89Β΄ in GDO/DB/Database.php line 76
Backtrace starts in install/wizard.php line 63.
 - GDO\Install\Method\InstallModules->execute()  GDO/Install/Method/InstallModules.php line 50.
 - GDO\DB\Database::init() ..................... GDO/DB/Database.php line 89.
 - GDO\DB\Database->__construct() .............. GDO/DB/Database.php line 76.